my blog


so the the school year just started for me and it felt like hell
the teachers are bad and some of the students are dicks
and i dont have any power to work on the site now
but dont get me wrong this is far from a goodbye or "im taking a break" then never
coming back sort of masages im just saying that updates will probably be
smaller and last frequent for the next few weeks


so i finally decided to update the kirby shrine to include some usefull
resoruces the resoruces in question are manuals and music
the manuals i got from vimm's lair while the music i got from
from a website called kingdom hearts insider
the reason for this is becuase i want my website to have a use
other then just looking pretty

like a lot of websites on neocities are very dull content wise
with a lot of websites having only an art and links page
like i get this is the point of neocities and all whoever
i think that if you are making website you should really go overboard
with what your are making
like add more gifs embedde some games make a shrine do something fun with it


if you have seen my art section you will see i gave up animating completly
it's not spacifcally animation it's actually drawing as a whole
the reason for this is because i cant psychally draw
no matter how hard i try no matter what styles i use or
no matter how many tutorials i follow it always looks like
chris chan level of drawing
so i gave up forever i will do post my "good art"
from time to time but i will most likely not going to produce a new art piece


ok so recently i found a really cool website called melon land
it has a lot of things like programs games art and even forums
i really love this site and hope to see what gonna happen with it
in the future


so recently the minecraft movie teaser was released and it's bad like really bad
and i thought of it and found a darker concept for a minecraft movie
my idea is that the minecraft world has suffered an apocalyptic event where
almost every trace of civilation is destroyed and only small villages and raider groups exist
two humans named steve and alex are going on an adventure to find a way to fix their broken world
this is probably ill treat the movie if i was the writer
but i dont really have a lot of expiriance in writing
so i shouldnt probably act like im better then them
they probably has this idea or something similar before but deicded
to pass on it probably for marketable reasons
that's all i had to tell for now cheers

09/03/2024 22:33

i was rewatching a documentary about sonic satam and then
i rembered a wrote down a reboot for the show
it's very minor only charater descriptions notes and an outline for a story
the story is much the same but some small diffrences
the biggest diffrent is that there is a sister to sonic named monika
that was raised by robotnik other diffrences are stuff like adding knuckles
replacing knothole to green hill this change is spacifically to sell the idea
i know green hill is a bit overdone by now but it's more recognizable then knothole

one of the more small changes is that the reason dulcy is dreaming of her mother
it's actually nightmares from the trauma of losing her
also in this version of satam sonic has a father and he was a royal knight that was killed
by robotnik and for last in this reboot sonic has actually got his powers
for to "chaos emerald radiation when he was a kid" i wanted to give it an origin story because it was
never explained in the original show

i originally wanted to send it to ian flynn but i dont think
he will take it seriously
i also kinda took a break from writing so yeah it would probably never happen
still if i was able to conivnce ian how can i convince sega


so i was looking around the dokodemo website i found a link to a post
in this post some woman talked about how it's bad to make perosnal websites for fun
like what's wrong with that that's my website dont really have a purpose


i was browsing in chocobo ranch when i saw a wonderswan cartridge
for those who dont know the wonderswan was a japanese console
meant to compete with the game boy i want one but it dont have there many franchises i love
oh well maybe in the future


i recently managed to aquire to myself
an n64 it has 3 games
super mario 64, mario kart 64 and kirby 64
the mario kart 64 i actually got with the box with all the papers and manual

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