
new calfornia republic

the new claifornia republic or the ncr for short is a factions which started in the small village of shady snads
and became the largest faction in the wasteland the factions is known for keeping old worlds values
and being very stable and functional

the legion

the legion is the second faction in the wasteland founded by edward sallow now known as ceaser
the faction is based on the roman empire and hold really screwed up ideas like slavery and sexism

the brotherhood of steel

the brotherhood of steel or the bos for short
is a faction that seeks to preserve and regulate old world technology
for humanity to not do it's mistakes
they are morally grey they operate by their own desires but
do good things

the enclave

the enclave are a group that was created by the us gov
the enclave are the remians of the us gov that survivied after the wat
they are very racist towards anything mutated and seek to destroy it
they are very powerful and technologically advanced
god bless america god bless the enclave
