misc hardware

this is a page for all of the hardware
nasa roscosmos and other groups make
that dont need a dedicated page

ilab is 1 module space station
that was capable to be deployed
by only one shuttle launch
the station is an inflatable station
created by horizon aerospace in 1987
along with ihab witch was a space hotel
while ilab was of course a lab

in 1970 a new company called lunarise
created the first lunar hotel
the hotel was complated in 1973
and was 3 egg shaped
1 was for rooms the second
was for entertainment and the resterant
and the third was for the crew
the hotel had a lot of activities
like evas plays and movie screening
and of course riding in lunar rovers

basically whats in the title
this was a cargo ship that was very similar
to the apollo spacecraft
that was made to resupply skylab