the soyuz spacecraft

soyuz is a soviet spacecraft
that the equivlant to the apollo spacecraft
the soyuz was made in 1967 and is being used
to send crews to the moon and to earth orbit
the soyuz also have a cargo version called progress
the soyuz is the most flown spacecraft by 2010
and had many versions

most versions of the soyuz have
3 modules the service module the descent module
and the orbital module
the service module is where the engines
and fuel are at
the descent module is how the name suggests
the descent module for the cosmonauts
and lastly the oribtal module where
cosmonauts can stretch their legs eat food
and go to the toilet and there is also a place
to keep cargo

in the 80s the ussr began to
sell soyuz rockets and crafts along with progress to agencies
and companies who didnt had
the capability to make their own crafts and rockets
this very greatly boosted
the creation of orbital factories and helped greatly
to the world economy