venera 3

venera 3 is a big arteroid
in the belt and the first one
to be mined
the mining operation was operated
by the rockswell mining company lead by
henry rockswell
nasa, esa and asa (the aztec space agnecy)

in the late 1970s
nasa started an initiavtive
to start mining asteroids in the belt
it was a collaboration between nasa esa
asa and rockswell who were only a small company
they first started with venera 3 asteroid
to start mining by 1985

nasa firstly began to send rovers and habitat modules
to venera 3 with also 3 communications satelittes
called fruitfly 1 2 and 3
asa in the meantime would develop
the cargo ship that would carry the minerals
back to earth
while esa developed and assmebled a crew capable spacecraft
called pioneer 1
and lastly rockswell along with nasa
designed and built the spacesuits
and mining gear